Christmas Blessings!

Christmas Blessings!

Christmas Eve morning  …  the darkness of early morning began to give way to light, as the sky to the east slowly grew with the brilliance of crimson/orange/purple.    I stood at the kitchen sink, gazing out the kitchen window at the glowing sky, awakening with God’s glory.  

It was cold  …  31 degrees.    I wanted to walk out to the end of the road to watch the sunrise  …  but it was cold. 

The sky grew more and more alive with color, until I just couldn’t stay inside any longer!    Hubby and I pulled on our coats, and out to the end of the road we hurried.   

Wow!!    In celebration of Christmas, God painted the sky with His glory and beauty!    Hubby and I stood there in awe!    Isn’t it amazing! 

Thank you God for Christmas blessings!  

Over Christmas break we are having a “Lord of the Rings” movie marathon.    One of our family’s favorite quotes from the first movie, “The Fellowship of the Ring” is when Merry and Pippen are discussing Second Breakfast:  “We’ve had one breakfast, yes.  What about second breakfast??”  

Hence, mid-morning I texted my two kids:  “We’ve had one Christmas Eve Service, yes.    What about second Christmas Eve Service?”    Here you can see our first Christmas Eve Service.   

For this service, we all sang “O Holy Night” for the candlelight portion.    It was so very special!   Thank you God for Christmas blessings!  

After first Christmas Eve Service, hubby and I swung by home for a quick snack, before heading off to second Christmas Eve Service.    For our snack we had some Italian Panettone cake.    Which of course then led to me break out in song, to this Christmas classic:  “O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree” … 

“O Panettone  …  O Panettone. 
What happened to the Panettone?? 
A fluffy cake, there was just now. 
But now it’s gone!  We don’t know how?!? 
O Panettone  …  O Panettone … 
What happened to the Panettone??”  

Thank you God for Christmas blessings!  

Second Christmas Eve Service!    For this service, we all sang “Silent Night” for the candlelight portion.    Once again, it was so special! … it moved me to tears.    Thank you God for Christmas blessings!

Our family tradition throughout the years has been to go out to Christmas Eve dinner together after the Candlelight Service.   

As we sat down at the table and took a look at the wonderful menu offerings, I couldn’t help but launch into song yet again:  “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”   

(Though I do believe a photo of our bulging waistlines would be much more suited for this particular song!  …  or perhaps maybe a photo of the scale  …  with an exploding emoji over top of the numbers!  Ha!)  

Thank you God for Christmas blessings!  

Our server brought us a basket of fresh hot garlic breadsticks.    As he placed them on the table, he commented:  “Here’s your bundle of joy.”    At which point, yet another Christmas song popped into my head:  

“Ohhhhh  …  tidings of comfort and joy!   Comfort and joy!   Ohhhh  …  tidings of comfort and joy!”  

Thank you God for Christmas blessings!  

In what ways has God blessed you with Christmas blessings?