Christians … all different “kinds”

Christians … all different “kinds”

In today’s background photo, you will notice Rock Salt is represented.  Rock Salt is great at melting ice … whether for making ice cream, or for melting ice from dangerous, slippery steps, sidewalks, or driveways. 

In much the same way, God has made some of us to be “Rock Salt” … with a natural ability to melt “icy” situations and resolve conflict.   Just as rock salt melts ice to produce ice cream, so also those of us who are “Rock Salt” have the natural ability to “melt the ice” relationally to create harmony, camaraderie, and friendship … thereby resulting in productive and beneficial outcomes. 

Additionally, rock salt melts ice from dangerous, slippery surfaces; so also, those who are “Rock Salt” have the natural ability to “melt the ice” when it comes to de-escalating tense and hostile situations in order to bring about peace and resolution … whether at work, in the community, or wherever God has placed us in life. 

God has created His people to be “Rock Salt” … what a vital and valuable role!

Also in today’s background photo, you will notice smoked, seasoned, jalapeno salt.  There is no doubt “Jalapeno Salt” adds a zesty kick of flavor! 

In much the same way, God has made some of us to be “Jalapeno Salt” … with a natural ability to bring joy, enthusiasm, and a zesty kick of life wherever we go. 

The relentless struggle to survive, to climb the ladder, to continually accumulate more leaves people asking, “What’s the point of it all??”   Life feels bland, blah, and empty. 

God has made His people to be “Jalapeno Salt” … to bring a zesty kick of life by spotlighting God’s goodness! … God’s faithfulness! … God’s authority over all! … God’s blessings in all things!   “Jalapeno Salt” brings the “flavor” of God to a bland, weary world.  What a vital and valuable role!

Additionally in today’s background photo, you will notice Pink Himalayan salt.  Pink Himalayan salt most often comes from Pakistan.  The rosy hue of the salt is due to trace minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium. 

In much the same way, God has made some of us to be “Pink Himalayan Salt” … we come from many far-away places, we’ve moved many times, we’ve called many different places “Home.” 

Those of us who are God’s “Pink Himalayan Salt” have a rosy hue due to the presence of broad experiences, broad viewpoints, and an understanding of diverse cultural mindsets. 

As God’s “Pink Himalayan Salt” His people have the natural ability to relate to and reach those with varied viewpoints, mindsets, and backgrounds. 

God loves ALL people!  And He has specifically created each one of us to be a different type of salt so that His love might be experienced by everyone!