Character …

Character …

"Character is the ability to follow through on a decision long after the emotion of making that decision is gone." - author unknown
Creativity …

Creativity …

"When you engage your creativity, you become too busy making your life beautiful to worry about what lies behind you." - author unknown
Try something new …

Try something new …

I love today's Word of Wisdom from my journal: "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered you will never grow." - Ronald E. OsbornTo this end, Hubby and I have signed up for…
What people will remember …

What people will remember …

Today’s Word of Wisdom is also a tribute to our dear friend Lloyd, who recently went home to be with Jesus.     “People will forget  what you said   People will forget    what you did   But people will never forget   …
The measure of a life …

The measure of a life …

Today’s Word of Wisdom is in honor of our dear friend Lloyd who recently went home to be with Jesus.   Lloyd was jolly, jovial, and generous!    *  He found great delight in treating hubby, me, and our daughter…
Pain and perspective

Pain and perspective

Today's Word of Wisdom is from a sermon I listened to back in 2017 by Pastor Steven:"If you tell your story too soon you'll only see the pain and not the purpose yet. Perspective only comes from reflection."Tying…
The things in life we cherish the most

The things in life we cherish the most

"The things in life we cherish the most are those we work the hardest for."- author unknown(By contrast, those who are given a free ride through life are largely unaware of the blessings which they enjoy, and resultingly…