Why can’t I hear anything??

Why can’t I hear anything??

I was just now getting ready to start the dreaded task of cleaning the toilets.  To make the task more bearable, I turned my music on to one of my favorite songs.  However  …  no music came from…
Situation Room!

Situation Room!

Hubby and I arrived at the Presidential Library this past Saturday and were informed upon entrance that a lecture on the “Situation Room” would be starting in 10 minutes.   What perfect timing!  (which we hadn’t even planned)   I…


Do you ever get annoyed at advertisements being continually shoved in your face  …  blasting at twice the volume: “You need this!!”   It drives me crazy!  I attempt to watch something interesting on YouTube  …  and right in…


Today is Halloween!   I was just now standing out on the front porch in the dark of early morning, as hubby drove away to work  …  when suddenly, off in the trees just beside the house there was…