Sunflowers in the storm

Sunflowers in the storm

A thunderstorm moved through the area last night.    It never thunders here  …  so it was particularly impactful listening to the power of the thunder rumbling throughout the skies!    The downpour was intense!    Around the time the sun…
What people will remember …

What people will remember …

Today’s Word of Wisdom is also a tribute to our dear friend Lloyd, who recently went home to be with Jesus.     “People will forget  what you said   People will forget    what you did   But people will never forget   …
A soft squishy “hug” from Jesus!

A soft squishy “hug” from Jesus!

The UPS truck showed up and deposited a box on my front porch.    I wasn’t expecting anything.    I wondered what it could be.   I stepped out onto the front porch to retrieve the box and noticed that it…
Daddy-Daughter Cake Bake

Daddy-Daughter Cake Bake

Yesterday’s blog post was about how parenting is similar to being a “soaker hose”  …  as we faithfully and continually “pour out” for our kids  …  so that they, in turn, can be a “soaker hose” to “pour…
This moment in time …

This moment in time …

This photo popped up on “This day in history.”   It left me feeling very weird.   To you, it is just a normal ordinary river  …  just like any other normal ordinary river.   But this river no longer exists.…
Gaining independence

Gaining independence

Last night as I was in the kitchen fixing dinner, little Jr. deer came wandering by.    He is definitely in the adolescent teenager phase!    The last few times I have seen him, he has been venturing off on…