Just a stop along the way

Just a stop along the way

Last Friday evening hubby and I were headed up to Worship Night at church.    As we drove across the wide broad Sammamish Valley there were hundreds upon thousands of birds getting ready to head south!    The tilled farm…
You forget about it … it goes rotten

You forget about it … it goes rotten

I have in my home a cold-box.    The former owners actually built the house.    And one custom item which they specially built into the house was a cold-box.    Here you can see our cold-box.    It is basically just…
What footprints are you leaving behind?

What footprints are you leaving behind?

This past summer, hubby and I, along with our two kids, were able to travel to a small island in the North Atlantic.    This small unassuming island is a place of amazing, jaw-dropping beauty!   Throughout the years, this…
Gardens into graves

Gardens into graves

A few weeks ago hubby and I had our septic system pumped.    Regular maintenance of a septic system recommends having it pumped every 5 years.    This summer was the time to do such a thing.   Here you can…
Sunflowers in the storm

Sunflowers in the storm

A thunderstorm moved through the area last night.    It never thunders here  …  so it was particularly impactful listening to the power of the thunder rumbling throughout the skies!    The downpour was intense!    Around the time the sun…
What people will remember …

What people will remember …

Today’s Word of Wisdom is also a tribute to our dear friend Lloyd, who recently went home to be with Jesus.     “People will forget  what you said   People will forget    what you did   But people will never forget   …