We need each other

We need each other

God has set us each on our own individual unique Path of Life. As our Path of Life twists and changes, we encounter sections of the journey which are hard and difficult! We find ourselves weary and spent…
It takes effort … to have relationships

It takes effort … to have relationships

  The bridge in our background photo is located several miles into a hike up to a waterfall.  It crosses a precipitous collection of smaller, albeit impressive waterfalls, and is located in a bamboo forest.   This bridge takes…
It takes effort … to “build a bridge”

It takes effort … to “build a bridge”

The Bible encourages us to: “Live in Peace with each other.”  This requires intentionality to “build a bridge” (relationally) with others. The bridge in our background photo is located several miles into the hike up to Lake Serene…
Let offenses go … be a bridge builder

Let offenses go … be a bridge builder

The Bible encourages us to: “Live in Peace with each other.”  This requires intentionality to “build a bridge” (relationally) with others. The bridge in our background photo is a solid, sturdy bridge which crosses a large, marshy expanse,…
Don’t “Burn the Bridge”

Don’t “Burn the Bridge”

The Bible encourages us to: “Live in Peace with each other.”  This requires intentionality to “build a bridge” (relationally) with others. You will notice that the bridge in the background photo is an impressive suspension foot-bridge. You might…
Build a Bridge

Build a Bridge

In order to have a relationship with someone, we must “build a bridge.” Everywhere we turn nowadays, it seems to be the norm to “burn bridges” relationally with other people.  It takes effort to build a relational bridge!  It…
Be patient with each other

Be patient with each other

You will notice that our background photo is cacti ... rather fitting, as people can be really prickly! It is for good reason that the Bible commands us to "Be patient with each other.""We urge you ... be…
Love is an action

Love is an action

Love is sometimes an emotion. But Love is ALWAYS an action."Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." - 1 John 3:18