Upside Down!

Upside Down!

Life is hard.  The water droplet here on the cedar branch represents our tears.  If you look closely, you will notice that the reflection of the surrounding scenery & road in the teardrop is upside down.  Isn’t that…
Love takes work!  Love takes effort!

Love takes work! Love takes effort!

LOVE takes work. LOVE takes effort! The lightkeepers of the lighthouses had to be vigilant to keep the glass panes clean.   They had to be vigilant to keep the prisms & brass of the Fresnel lens sparkling and…
What is the point of all this anyway?

What is the point of all this anyway?

Do you ever wonder, “What’s the point? … What is the point of all of this anyway??” The lighthouse pictured in today’s background photo is:  Point No Point Lighthouse.Sometimes this is the way life feels. We wonder: "Is anything…
It costs to Love

It costs to Love

The lighthouse pictured in today’s background photo is Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, standing high on a bluff overlooking the confluence where the Columbia River empties into the Pacific Ocean.  As you can see, this lighthouse has taken a beating. …
Be that Friend!

Be that Friend!

In today’s background photo, individual water droplets have all piled up to the point of becoming a raging torrent of foaming white-water!  Sometimes the trials of life feel like this! So many little things … hard things! ……
Take Action

Take Action

Mark 2:1-5 relates a story about four men who cared so deeply about the suffering of their paralyzed friend that they literally physically carried their friend to Jesus. This is what God wants us to do!  God wants us…
Falling Tears

Falling Tears

The water droplets here, falling in abundance, represent tears … tears of the brokenhearted, falling in abundance!  God comforts the brokenhearted. -  Isaiah 51:12 – “I, even I, am He who comforts you.”-  Matthew 11:28 – “Come to…
Power to Forgive

Power to Forgive

As we travel along the highway of life, there will invariably be "run-ins" and "collisions" with fellow travelers.  Such is the nature of life.   Sometimes it is a simple “fender bender” which leaves a few scratches on our…
We need each other

We need each other

God has set us each on our own individual unique Path of Life. As our Path of Life twists and changes, we encounter sections of the journey which are hard and difficult! We find ourselves weary and spent…