Burs on the soul

Burs on the soul

As I was weeding a particularly overrun corner of the yard, I noticed that each reach of my gloved hand resulted in an array of burs clinging on tight.  I stopped momentarily to pick the burs from my…
What to do with the grief

What to do with the grief

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I lost most of my close friendships this summer.  It was hard … and painful.  What to do with the grief??  The last two weekends the air has been choked with wildfire…
Dormant … but not dead

Dormant … but not dead

Every summer the grass in the Pacific Northwest goes dormant … as you can see from the background photo.  Our 9-10 months of continual constant rainy drizzle finally ceases (this year it didn’t cease until the end of…
Keys to Relationship – Prayer!

Keys to Relationship – Prayer!

Never underestimate the power of prayer when it comes to the relationships in your life. Pray for those with whom you are in relationship! Prayer is powerful!"I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my…
Keys to Relationship – Be present

Keys to Relationship – Be present

There is a big difference between being in the presence of someone, and actually "being present." Simply spending time together with someone is not the same as "being present."Most often we are distracted ... distracted by concerns and…
A Great Relationship Supports

A Great Relationship Supports

We all need support.   Life is hard!  In some way or another, we all need support.  This past July, when the warmth of the sun finally arrived, the beans in the garden began growing.  We had planted “runner”…