Marriage Level-set

Marriage Level-set

Yesterday’s blog post dealt with the importance of having regular “marriage check-up” discussions.  Talking through what is working in our marriage … what’s not working … what is “messy”?  Exactly how messy is the “messy”??  Do we need…
Drain Back-up

Drain Back-up

Our shower drain is backing up.  Bit by bit, each day it’s been getting worse.  Cleaning the hair and gunk out of the shower drain isn’t exactly a fun project.  And it’s certainly not something to be done…
Constructive Criticism

Constructive Criticism

Yesterday afternoon I went out to the garden to see if the tomatoes were getting ripe (they aren’t).  I did discover, much to my surprise, that the beans are still producing … in fact there were just enough…
Manage your fights

Manage your fights

I stopped by the library last night and picked up a book on hold:  "Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest.”   The summary on the back cover reads:  “Instead of discovering a land blanketed by dense…
Chainsaw Burnout

Chainsaw Burnout

Yesterday’s blog post dealt with fights in marriage.  Disagreements, misunderstandings, miscommunication, annoyances!   When it comes to marriage … and to any relationship for that matter … forgiveness is the “oil” which keeps the relationship running smoothly.   This summer…
First Fire

First Fire

Hubby and I recently had a wood-stove insert installed in our fireplace.  We are venturing into the new realm of using wood to heat our home.  In the past, having a fire in the fireplace was something to…
A Picture of Marriage

A Picture of Marriage

I was sitting in the beanbag enjoying my peanut-butter-banana smoothie for lunch, while absentmindedly staring out the window … when it suddenly occurred to me how the enormous Big-Leaf Maple in the backyard is a remarkable picture of…
Shed the baggage

Shed the baggage

I had a “PCC nightmare” the other night.  It’s been over 20 years since I’ve had a “PCC nightmare.”  Hubby and I attended a very “militaristic” college which had lots and lots of rules! … most of which…