Time to purge

Time to purge

I just noticed this container of heavy whipping cream in my fridge  …  leftover from when I made Cranberry Salad back at Thanksgiving.    I purchased this container of whipping cream in mid-November  …  therefore, the small leftover amount…
Global warming!

Global warming!

Our forestry class last week was over climate change.    We learned that over the past 150 years the average temperature in our area has gone up  …  two degrees!    Two!!    We should be worried!    We should be very…
Do extraterrestrials exist?

Do extraterrestrials exist?

This week hubby and I watched the most recent “Yes Theory” video.    It was fascinating.   (As an aside:  “Yes Theory”  is a YouTube channel introduced to us by our son.    It is basically geared toward a Millennial/Gen Z…
What is Good??

What is Good??

A coyote has taken up residence around our place recently.  Just the other day, as I was having lunch, the coyote settled down in the overgrown brush by the garden corner and relaxed for a long while.  I’ve…
How can I have supernatural power?

How can I have supernatural power?

Our world is a stormy, chaotic mess! Mental storms! Emotional storms! Relational storms! Political storms! Economic storms!But you don't have to be dragged under by the cold waves of mental illness ... and deep waters of anxiety and…
How can I have peace when my life is falling apart?

How can I have peace when my life is falling apart?

The lighthouse in today’s background photo looks weary!   Isn’t this how we are all feeling nowadays?  We are weary, beaten down, exhausted, discouraged! How come everything is so hard?!? How come life is falling apart?!?How come everything…