The Future??

The Future??

Do you feel like you’re supposed to have life all figured out?Do you have so many questions?Are you filled with fear and doubt?“Did I pick the right major?”“How do I start my career?”“I don’t have things figured out…
The Temple

The Temple

The warm sun beamed down on Jerusalem that day. Every road was clogged and packed with travelers on their way. A tangible holiday feeling was alive in the air.The excitement was contagious as people bustled here and there.This…
Death … Conquered!!

Death … Conquered!!

Do you ever feel you're drowning ... and cannot get a breath ... beaten down by constant waves of things that all cause death. Death caused by lack of competence; death caused by bitter feuds; death caused by…


Out of nothing at all – from a dark empty void – God created the Earth, full of colors and noise.He made rainbows of dew drops to sparkle and shine;cascading waterfalls that thunder in time.He made verdant green…
He Chose

He Chose

Enthroned in glory!  Wrapped in light!  With angels praising Him day and night! Holding the world in the palm of His hand.  He came down to walk paths of dust and sand. He veiled His glory.  He chose…
Silent and Still

Silent and Still

Easter 2020 … Fear reigned supreme!  Everything was shut down, for Covid showed up on the scene. Locked behind our doors … and hidden in our homes … we all wondered what would happen … scared of the…
Sealed Basins

Sealed Basins

One great advantage of a birdbath that leaks … is that mosquitoes can’t lay eggs, cause water doesn’t last for weeks.Stale, stagnant water would draw mosquito throngs, and result in mosquito babies which would bite all summer long.In…
Birdbath Fill-Up

Birdbath Fill-Up

My birthday is approaching, in a month or more.  My daughter found the perfect gift, hidden on the forest floor.A concrete birdbath basin, resting on a rotten stump, fashioned from leftover building concrete, rather than being taken to…
Let Go of the Old

Let Go of the Old

It’s Thursday morning, my correspondence day.  I can’t wait to create a new coloring page!I find a cool picture, quite by happenstance … though I think its discovery was not at all by chance.The coloring picture shows a…
This Moment In Time

This Moment In Time

This moment in time is brief, it will pass;for time has a way of slipping by fast.Yet as I ponder my list of things to do,I wonder how I’m going to make it through.The living room is cluttered…