Bloom Where You’re Planted

Bloom Where You’re Planted

In a big picture window, in a bright sunny spot,sat a lovely silk flower in an ornamental pot.The view was quite outstanding from this sunny windowsillwhere the silk flower sat, believing it was Real.This little silk flower was…
Tapestry of Life

Tapestry of Life

As a tapestry is fashioned by the weaver’s hand,So Life is a working of God’s Sovereign Plan.It’s a beautiful pattern; a complex design;Purposed before the beginning of time.Our lives each are threads in the Weaver’s hand.We’re small parts…


We all know someone in our own private sphere of whom we think: "That's a Superhero there!" They have amazing energy of which we only ever dream. They can conquer and keep up with a million different things.…
Life’s Amazing Race

Life’s Amazing Race

This life that I live feels like the Amazing Race,with challenges to conquer each new day that I face.My hubby’s my team-mate, as we race hand-in-handthrough this journey of life that my Lord has planned. In the beginning…
It’s OK

It’s OK

It's ok to be weary. It's ok to be weak. It's ok to be silent if you have no words to speak. It's ok for your tattered, wounded heart to bleed. It's ok to let go, and let…
Small Wildflowers

Small Wildflowers

High on Hurricane Ridge where the windswept slopes are bare, summer alpine meadows bloom with wildflowers everywhere. Purple lupines are my favorites, though I like the others too … the white & yellow “lilies” ? How I wish…
Come Walk with Me

Come Walk with Me

Come walk with me! Come along. Let's share together this journey we're on. Come walk with me. I'll match your stride, so that together we can walk side by side. I'll walk with you, though your pace is…


Beneath a sky of grey,in ground that’s hard and cold,little teeny, tinyseeds of Truth are sown.They lie there quite a while,for alas, they cannot sprout.The cold ground they’ve been sown uponis hardened with much doubt.Nevertheless the seeds lie…
A Work of Beauty

A Work of Beauty

I was young, those many years ago; young, but full of dreams; with the longing that God would use me to do amazing things.A pile of parts He gave me.  It was a jumbled mess.  I was to…
Support Team

Support Team

My kids are in life’s “ultra-marathon” long endurance race. They need for me to be there to help them keep the pace. They need for me to be there when they’re no longer with the pack, when they’re…