Life’s Barkley Marathon

Life’s Barkley Marathon

In 2017 I watched a fascinating documentary entitled:   “The Barkley Marathons:  The Race That Eats Its Young.”   The Barkley Marathon is an endurance race held in March of each year.    The race was the idea of “Lazarus Lake”…
Having Done All – I Stand

Having Done All – I Stand

How can one maintain a clear head in the midst of battle cries?  How can one have inner calmness, when the fiery arrows fly?  How is it that attacks come when I feel so very small?  Why such…
Passover Seder

Passover Seder

The shadows gather. Day comes to an end. Candles are lit. Passover begins. The first cup is passed. The blessing is said. “I will bring you out” – from Exodus is read. The sacrifice of a pure, spotless…
The Temple

The Temple

The warm sun beamed down on Jerusalem that day.  Every road was clogged and jammed with travelers on their way. A tangible holiday feeling was alive in the air.  The excitement was contagious as people bustled here and…
Rabbi – Messiah

Rabbi – Messiah

Our land is ancient Israel. We are the Jewish nation.  We’re living in the time of the Roman occupation.  We’re looking for Messiah to come and be our King, as we daily live our lives; simple and hard-working.…
Nails in the Ashes

Nails in the Ashes

A bonfire was built one ordinary day.  Random scraps of wood were tossed onto the blaze.  It didn’t go unnoticed – the nails sticking out.  But the fun of the blaze pushed aside any doubt.  The flames got…
My Family

My Family

My Family is radical! My Family is diverse! My Family is a conglomeration from the “best” to the “worst.” My Family has those who seem “squeaky & clean.” My Family has those who bring “baggage” to the scene.…
Can anyone even see the light at all??

Can anyone even see the light at all??

Perched on a lonely outcropping of rock   …  shrouded in fog   …  a biting wind relentlessly blowing in from off the Pacific  …  a cold rain pelting down!  Is the light from the lighthouse even visible?  Can anyone…
Goldfish Friends

Goldfish Friends

My daughter's little goldfish are such good pet friends.They're always happy to see me whenever I walk in.If my coming is becauseI bring freshly laundered clothes,they always get excited, swimming wildly to and fro.It really is quite sillyto…