Steady and Constant

Steady and Constant

The hummingbirds have been coming like crazy to the hummingbird feeder!  Winter is approaching … and the hummingbirds know.  Some will be leaving soon to head for warmer climates.  But others will stay through the winter.  For those…
The sound of the crunch

The sound of the crunch

The leaves are finally starting to fall.  There is no color this year … all the leaves are dry, parched, and brown, with ugly black splotches.  As I was going to get the mail yesterday, I was fascinated…
Keep the “Bat lights” on

Keep the “Bat lights” on

When we bought our home three years ago, the former owners (who were also the original builders of the house) informed us that there were “Bat lights” up underneath the roofing tiles.  They told us that it was…
Be careful with your garbage

Be careful with your garbage

It is Monday morning … garbage day.  Our next-door neighbors (to the right side) have not been careful about the items they have been placing in their garbage bin.  Lots of various takeout containers … covered in plenty…
Marriage Level-set

Marriage Level-set

Yesterday’s blog post dealt with the importance of having regular “marriage check-up” discussions.  Talking through what is working in our marriage … what’s not working … what is “messy”?  Exactly how messy is the “messy”??  Do we need…
Drain Back-up

Drain Back-up

Our shower drain is backing up.  Bit by bit, each day it’s been getting worse.  Cleaning the hair and gunk out of the shower drain isn’t exactly a fun project.  And it’s certainly not something to be done…
Constructive Criticism

Constructive Criticism

Yesterday afternoon I went out to the garden to see if the tomatoes were getting ripe (they aren’t).  I did discover, much to my surprise, that the beans are still producing … in fact there were just enough…
Manage your fights

Manage your fights

I stopped by the library last night and picked up a book on hold:  "Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest.”   The summary on the back cover reads:  “Instead of discovering a land blanketed by dense…
Chainsaw Burnout

Chainsaw Burnout

Yesterday’s blog post dealt with fights in marriage.  Disagreements, misunderstandings, miscommunication, annoyances!   When it comes to marriage … and to any relationship for that matter … forgiveness is the “oil” which keeps the relationship running smoothly.   This summer…