The Daily Question …

The Daily Question …

Back in 2018 I was listening to an online sermon by Pastor Steven  …  it was a New Year’s Eve sermon …  and the main thought of the sermon was this question:   “God, what can You do through…
What’s in your hand?

What’s in your hand?

The apples are ripe  …  and ready to pick.    As I was gazing at these fresh-picked apples sitting on my kitchen counter, it suddenly occurred to me why the “apple” is always the image used to represent Teachers…
My cup overflows …

My cup overflows …

This summer our church has been going through a sermon series on Psalm 23.    Around this time last year, I created a set of verse-art graphics for Psalm 23.    Here you can see the verse-art I made for…
He restores my soul.

He restores my soul.

The sermon series at our church this summer has been over Psalm 23.   Each Sunday, as the congregation stands and our pastor reads Psalm 23 in its entirety, I close my eyes and recall the verse-art graphics I…
A bat in the firebox

A bat in the firebox

A bat recently got into our firebox.   How, I don’t know.    I thought it was a closed contained firebox, with little holes in metal tubes to let the smoke out and up the chimney.    But somehow the bat…
Lessons from Lake Twenty-Two

Lessons from Lake Twenty-Two

At the end of June, hubby and I hiked to Lake Twenty-Two with our two kids.    After climbing straight uphill for a couple of hours, we finally reach the lake and were grateful to rest along its shores.   …
Lessons from a 5-K

Lessons from a 5-K

The weekend of July 4th I participated in my first ever 5-K!    I struggle with chronic fatigue, and am always tired and wiped out!    But my daughter was excited about doing a 5-K and she invited hubby and…
Ears to hear

Ears to hear

My neighborhood is a rather quiet neighborhood.    Because of this, cars aren’t exactly careful when going around curves and corners.    It is naturally assumed that no one will be coming the other way, so the cars feel free…