Fake Christians

Fake Christians

Most people would look at this bag of Epsom Salt  (pictured in the background photo) and naturally accept it as being salt.  Of course it is salt … the bag labels it as “salt.”  It is white and…
You are the Salt of the earth

You are the Salt of the earth

Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, chapters 5-7) was radical for those who first heard it, because in this sermon Jesus was bringing to an end the centuries-old, well-established way of living according to the Law, and ushering…
Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers

Our background photo features a bee ... reminding us that just as bees are vital for fruit and crops to be produced, so also the Holy Spirit is vital for Kingdom Fruit to be produced in our lives.…
Blessed are the humble

Blessed are the humble

Without the work of bees and pollinators, we would have no fruit or vegetables to eat.  So also, in much the same way, without the work of the Holy Spirit, the fruit of Kingdom Living cannot be produced…
Blessed are the merciful

Blessed are the merciful

This week’s daily verses are taking a look at The Beatitudes.  The background photos are bees … reminding us that just as it is not possible to have crops or food without the work of bees, so also…
Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, chapters 5-7) was radical for those who first heard it, because in this sermon Jesus was bringing to an end the centuries-old, well-established way of living according to the Law, and ushering…
Nothing is Wasted

Nothing is Wasted

In today’s background photo, the water droplets on the spider web represent our tears.  There is a unique beauty here … the hand of God is clearly on display.  In much the same way, God can bring the…