Freaking out!

Freaking out!

Concrete roofing tiles came flying off my roof, from almost 3-stories up  …  landing with a terrible,  jarring,  shattering  crash!  in a metal dumpster-trailer parked just outside my kitchen window.    It was rather unnerving!   Crash!  …  after crash! …
Barely a flicker

Barely a flicker

Do you ever feel like your “flame” is just barely a flicker?   This time of year, it’s nice to light a candle  …  because the mornings are dark and cold  …  and the days are rainy and grey.  …
Sunrise in the Rain

Sunrise in the Rain

In the darkness of early morning the sky began to turn brilliant out my kitchen window.  This definitely calls for a walk down the street to see the sunrise!   I pulled on a coat and headed out the…
Love poured out!

Love poured out!

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us!" - 1 John 3:1 The water flowing over the falls can represent God's love pouring into our life! God loves us!"God is love. Whoever lives in love…
It flows downstream!

It flows downstream!

A few days ago, the blog posts looked at the passage in Romans 5:1-5:"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by…
“Walking-path” of Life

“Walking-path” of Life

In the dark and cold this morning, hubby walked across the gravel of the driveway headed out to face the overwhelming drama of another day at work.   I prayed over hubby!   I prayed God’s protection over hubby!   And…
Five small loaves and two small fish

Five small loaves and two small fish

I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post that as I was grinding flour and making bread this week, I was listening to an online sermon over the passage of the Feeding of the 5,000 (from Matthew 14:13-36).  (and as…
Labor Day at the Lake

Labor Day at the Lake

Labor Day at Lake Washington ... come join hubby and me at three different beach parks on Lake Washington.Beach Park #1 - There wasn't any swimming going on ... but the fishing must have been pretty good. This…