Shadows of things to come

Shadows of things to come

A lovely little display of daisies sat on my kitchen counter.  One morning, as I was walking through the kitchen, I was struck by the shadows the daisies were casting on the counter.  Immediately Hebrews 10:1 came to…
Footprints across the soul

Footprints across the soul

I have in my kitchen cupboard a small collection of these clear plastic “Bambu” cups.  They are “footprints across my soul” … precious memories of my dear friend … and the good times we would have hanging out…
Absentminded Grating

Absentminded Grating

This past January I was grating a potato for a dinner recipe when I accidentally grated my fingernail, barely missing my finger.  It has been five full months now and the fingernail still has not completely grown back…
If you scratch it, it will itch worse!

If you scratch it, it will itch worse!

You know those annoying tiny flying specks that you slap, and swat, and squash … here’s what they look like close-up. Horrible little creatures … but wow!  … just look at God’s creative design! No one even sees…
Dirty Dishes You Will Always Have

Dirty Dishes You Will Always Have

The original plan had been to go bike riding in the afternoon.  But the kids’ friend group decided at the last-minute to have a hangout in the afternoon.  So bike riding was moved to the morning.  I had…
I’m a “Fifth Order Light”

I’m a “Fifth Order Light”

I have been reading an interesting book recently entitled:  “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Wife” by Connie Scovill Small.  The first station where Connie’s husband, Elson, served was Channel Light … situated in the channel separating Lubec, Maine from Campobello…
Leaving the Windows Open

Leaving the Windows Open

One of the wonderful things about Summer is being able to have the windows open and let fresh air in.  Similarly, one of the wonderful things about our current digital age is being able to open up our…
Is Your Fruit Fuzzy??

Is Your Fruit Fuzzy??

I came across this leftover slice of tomato in the fridge.  Originally it was meant for a hamburger, but it sat forgotten in the fridge for two weeks.  Now it is growing white fuzz! Nasty!! Fruits/vegetables are meant…
Living with the Tension

Living with the Tension

Most of us grew up taking some sort of music lessons.  For me, my instrument of choice was the violin, of which I became quite fond.  I was never very good, but I did truly enjoy playing it.…