At the end of June, hubby and I hiked to Lake Twenty-Two with our two kids. After climbing straight uphill for a couple of hours, we finally reach the lake and were grateful to rest along its shores. …
The weekend of July 4th I participated in my first ever 5-K! I struggle with chronic fatigue, and am always tired and wiped out! But my daughter was excited about doing a 5-K and she invited hubby and…
My neighborhood is a rather quiet neighborhood. Because of this, cars aren’t exactly careful when going around curves and corners. It is naturally assumed that no one will be coming the other way, so the cars feel free…
Hubby went out to put the garbage in the bin and roll the bin out to the street … and lo and behold! … there was a little frog resting in the garbage bin! How cool is that! …
I came into the kitchen this morning to make a nice cup of tea. But alas, my Marketspice Cinnamon Orange tea is all but gone … only a small smattering of tea remained in the bottom of the…
I was sitting here at my dining table just now, having lunch. As I glanced out the window and caught sight of the bright splash of red from my Hoopes rose, without even realizing it, the song started…
Hubby and I were picking raspberries this last Saturday and there were two little girls a few rows over and down a little ways, and they were just singing and singing!! You know how little kids sing nonsensical…
Have you ever wondered: Why should I go to church? After all, I’ve got a great online pastor I love to listen to. I learn a lot from the Word and from his sermons. I’ve got great online…
The past two blog posts recounted the amazing rescue of a little girl, in a desperate war situation (from a documentary hubby and I recently watched, entitled “Free Burma Rangers”). Today I would like to share one more…
What does it mean to be a Christian? To be a Christian means to believe in Jesus Christ … and to follow Him! Who is Jesus? Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things…