Putting on a good front

Putting on a good front

Here you can see our watermelons, strawberries, and tomatoes.    They look absolutely perfect.    In fact, they probably are even Facebook “perfect.”    I could put this photo out there to show off what a fabulous harvest I had from…
Valley of the shadow of death

Valley of the shadow of death

Our church is wrapping up the summer sermon series over Psalm 23.   I wanted to share one final thought which just came to me.   Psalm 23:4 – “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow…
Two parts

Two parts

This is the first year (ever!) that the tomatoes have turned ripe on the vine.    Usually hubby and I have green tomatoes sitting all over our house the entire month of October waiting to turn ripe.   But not…
The Daily Question …

The Daily Question …

Back in 2018 I was listening to an online sermon by Pastor Steven  …  it was a New Year’s Eve sermon …  and the main thought of the sermon was this question:   “God, what can You do through…
What’s in your hand?

What’s in your hand?

The apples are ripe  …  and ready to pick.    As I was gazing at these fresh-picked apples sitting on my kitchen counter, it suddenly occurred to me why the “apple” is always the image used to represent Teachers…
My cup overflows …

My cup overflows …

This summer our church has been going through a sermon series on Psalm 23.    Around this time last year, I created a set of verse-art graphics for Psalm 23.    Here you can see the verse-art I made for…
He restores my soul.

He restores my soul.

The sermon series at our church this summer has been over Psalm 23.   Each Sunday, as the congregation stands and our pastor reads Psalm 23 in its entirety, I close my eyes and recall the verse-art graphics I…
A bat in the firebox

A bat in the firebox

A bat recently got into our firebox.   How, I don’t know.    I thought it was a closed contained firebox, with little holes in metal tubes to let the smoke out and up the chimney.    But somehow the bat…