Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Pollination

Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Pollination

There are two vastly different zucchini pictured here … one is large, green, & healthy; the other is tiny, yellow, & shriveled.  What is the difference?? The difference lies in the fact that one zucchini was properly pollinated; …
Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Resting

Bearing Kingdom Fruit – Resting

The strawberries growing in this field are not working hard.  They are not toiling.  They are simply resting, underneath the leaves.  The fruit grows slowly, bit by bit, day by day.  The strawberries grow because they are connected…
Brighten your corner

Brighten your corner

This is a great image of what the Church looks like when we all gather together on Sunday! But today is Monday ... it's cold and grey and drizzly ... just a typical June day in the Pacific…
Lessons from a Cacao Farm

Lessons from a Cacao Farm

Last week I had the opportunity to tour a Cacao Farm.  I love chocolate!  And I love gardening and plants and anything growing!  So what could be better!  I have been struck with several spiritual insights as takeaways…
A Big Stink!

A Big Stink!

We came across several blooming skunk-cabbage on Saturday. I was pretty excited ... I think skunk-cabbage is a cool-looking plant. It gets it's name from the fact that when it's leaves are crushed or bruised it emits a…