On the shelf

On the shelf

This past February I came across this wonderful set of garden pruners and shears at Costco.  We could most certainly use those!  The blackberry briars, sticker bushes, and Big Leaf Maple shoots are aggressively trying to overrun the…


As I was walking past the living room, I noticed the clerodendrum (tropical bleeding heart) had grown off its support post … and was reaching still further.  Immediately the verse popped into my mind:  “Forgetting what is behind…
Faith Multiplied

Faith Multiplied

Three years ago, my daughter gave me a small aloe vera plant as a birthday gift.  It was a very small plant … but it grew.  It grew and grew, and before I knew it, there were multiple…
Choosing to Praise

Choosing to Praise

When I first came across some little blooms like these, I was about to admire them … but then I realized they were on sticker bushes and I therefore deemed them unworthy of being awed over.  But afterwards,…
Teeny tiny things!

Teeny tiny things!

God cares about the teeny tiny things!  What you might not have noticed at first glance is that there is a tiny little white/translucent spider on the top flower, just underneath the yellow part.  The spider blends into…
Praise … from a hidden place

Praise … from a hidden place

Each March the quiet of winter is broken, as the nightly song of frog-chorus brings the forest back to life.  Spring is on its way!  Announced by praise … from a hidden place.  The thing about the songs…
Warm Heart

Warm Heart

This photo is one my kids took this past weekend while hiking in the Cascades.  They came across many trees just like this one while on their hike.  The lesson God gave my kids is that the warmth…
Hidden Away

Hidden Away

I never cease to be amazed whenever I’m weeding in the yard to come across tiny little snails in the dirt … …  each one has individually specific camouflage which is uniquely designed.  It’s amazing!  God cares about…