The “harvest” of a life

The “harvest” of a life

The sunflowers are done.    Their brief lifespan is over.    Hubby and I will now till them back into the soil of the garden where they will dissolve away.   This is what our life is like.   Our life is…
Here for a moment … and then gone

Here for a moment … and then gone

It’s mushroom season!    How exciting!    I came across these mushrooms 3 days ago.    I was delighted!    Today, just a few days later, I was out by the garden, and I noticed that these mushrooms are gone!   …
And the rains came!

And the rains came!

Earlier this Spring I wrote a blog post about how the parsley had decided to become best friends with my Hoopes rose.    I shared this accompanying photo with that blog post.   The parsley had evidently self-seeded in its…
Almost  …  but not quite real

Almost … but not quite real

I shared a few blog posts ago how I have never much cared for peas.    However, I did discover recently that snow peas aren’t that bad.    In fact, they don’t taste like regular peas at all  …  because…
Lessons from a Blackberry Vine

Lessons from a Blackberry Vine

Today’s blog post  (and accompanying photos)  are from my son.  Often when I work from home I try to take a short walk during lunchtime to stretch my legs.   The nearby bike trail is the perfect place for…
Seeds we sow

Seeds we sow

I love this view of the garden from my daughter’s upstairs bedroom window.   As I stand and gaze out at the garden far below, it makes me think that this is probably what it’s like from Heaven’s view, …
True Lasting Friendship

True Lasting Friendship

The Italian Flat Parsley has decided it wants to be friends with my Hoopes rose!    This past winter I transplanted my Hoopes rose to a nice big pot.   I didn’t have quite enough dirt in the process, so…