What’s the point of life?

What’s the point of life?

The trillium has reached the end of its “life cycle.”   As you can see in the photo, its petals have turned a beautiful pink/purple.   Have you ever wondered, “What’s the point of life anyway??”   We might look at…


I went outside this morning to get some exercise walking loops around my front drive.  On my first loop around I noticed a little slug on the gravel drive.   You can see it below, in the photo on…
Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!

Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!

I went out yesterday morning to spread bark chips and noticed that the slugs were having a fabulous Mushroom Breakfast Buffet!    It seems word must have gotten around about the fantastic feasting opportunity available, for they were all…
Looks … and expectations

Looks … and expectations

It is currently snowing … big beautiful flakes!    So pretty!    I can only remember one other time it snowed in April.  Here you can see all our little pots of Pacific Dogwood seeds.  Dogwood seeds require a period…
A tangled, thorny mess!

A tangled, thorny mess!

It’s March … and time once again to get outside and do some yard work!   Last Wednesday (March 1) the sun came out briefly while I was outside waging war on the blackberry vines.  In awe of the…
Something to disdain? … or a blessing??

Something to disdain? … or a blessing??

On the forested property where hubby and I live there is a wide variety of shrubby groundcover and undergrowth:  sword ferns, deer ferns, bracken ferns, Oregon grape, salal …    … salmonberry bushes (which I call “nasty prickle bushes”…