I woke up this morning to the sound of heavy rain falling on our roof! The wood-box on the back deck is empty. I need to refill it this morning … so that I can have wood to…
In Psalm 1, the blessed person is described as being fruitful. What does this look like? This looks like the holly tree outside my kitchen window. The holly tree is loaded with holly berries. Any time I glance…
Behind my house, the backyard drops away into a steep ravine. Today's background photo is a view down into the ravine. If you look closely, you will notice that enormous Cedars, Fir trees, and Big Leaf Maples are…
There is a small piece of notepaper on my kitchen counter, on which is written a couple of “to-do” items. As I was walking through the kitchen past the “to-do” list, my attention was caught by … “Tie…
I was sitting at the dining room table enjoying my Buffalo Bleu chips for lunch, while just outside a little hummingbird was at the feeder enjoying its lunch … when suddenly the sun came out from behind the…
Yesterday I mentioned that our Compassion daughter has recently graduated from the program, and our contact with her has come to an end. This has been really hard. It is really hard to let go of the old. …
This month our Compassion daughter graduated from the Compassion program. Last Friday I wrote our last letter to her. I knew she would be graduating soon … and I was totally expecting this day to come. But I…
The thing about splitting logs is that the more knotty the rounds, the more violently-forceful the result! Just the sound of the “crack!” as the round splits can be downright frightening! Especially when your face is right down…
I was splitting logs with hubby, pushing the buttons on the log-splitter while hubby did the heavy-lifting, when one of the log chunks flew back unexpectedly and hit my hand. It stung in the moment, but I didn’t…
We have lots of Big Leaf Maple trees in our forest. Big Leaf Maple trees are aggressive! Big Leaf Maple stumps refuse to die ... continuing to prolifically send out new shoots year after year! Big Leaf Maples…