Spiritual First-Aid

Spiritual First-Aid

I was splitting logs with hubby, pushing the buttons on the log-splitter while hubby did the heavy-lifting, when one of the log chunks flew back unexpectedly and hit my hand.  It stung in the moment, but I didn’t…
Cracks in the mind

Cracks in the mind

We have lots of Big Leaf Maple trees in our forest.  Big Leaf Maple trees are aggressive!  Big Leaf Maple stumps refuse to die ... continuing to prolifically send out new shoots year after year!  Big Leaf Maples…
Bitterness Takeover!

Bitterness Takeover!

For three years now I have been trying to dig up blackberry vines in this particular section of the property.  But as you can see from the photo, the blackberry shoots coming up this year are rampant!! Bitterness…
Workplace  Poison

Workplace Poison

I was calmly sitting here having my breakfast this morning when two coyotes trotted out of the woods, one after the other.  TWO!  I have never seen two coyotes together before.  They both trotted across the back yard…
Lost in the Fog

Lost in the Fog

For the past five days straight, we've been enveloped in soupy dense fog up here on the Ridge. No breeze. No air movement. Just dense soupy fog that's settled in heavy and thick! Isn't that how life feels…