The other night as I was fixing dinner, the bunny was just out the kitchen window in the side yard enjoying its dinner too. Hubby had just walked in the door from work, when I suddenly noticed a…
Yesterday afternoon hubby and I had been out at the road clearing back some brush and loading up the yard waste bin. We were headed back to put the garden tools in the garden shed, when right in…
Last Saturday hubby and I and our daughter drove out Highway 2 into the Cascades to see a beautiful waterfall. The name of this waterfall is: Deception Falls. As I stood in awe of the power of the…
Before moving to our home in the forest I had the understanding that if you wanted to remove a tree, then you cut the tree down. Nothing left but a stump. End of tree. But oh no … …
I mentioned in yesterday's blog post how I sat down yesterday morning to have some quiet time with Jesus, and God introduced me to a brand-new worship song! The words were very meaningful to me, because they led…
Ah yes ... lying right there in the middle of my bunchberry dogwood patch. Why not. Since my bunchberry dogwoods are so very tasty! Sigh.I'm not sure where the other two deer are ... they always hang together…
With our Forestry class coming to an end, I wanted to share some takeaway lessons from our class. One of the big lessons I have learned has to do with Slash. What is Slash? Slash is the leftover…
As the Fall semester is coming to an end … so also our Forestry class is coming to a conclusion. Hubby and I have very much enjoyed our Forestry class! When we and our classmates first started our…
What you think about the most becomes the lens through which you view the world! TaDa!! Here you can see my socks! And you will never guess what my very first “blink” reaction is every time I look down…
I was sitting here typing up a blog post when the “dogs” started barking on my phone. (it’s my Ring driveway camera notification) Amazon deliveries don’t usually come at 8am … so it must be a deer … …