Bloom blessings … high in the air!

Bloom blessings … high in the air!

Check it out!    A red sunflower!    How cool is that!!   I didn’t know sunflowers bloomed red!   Ok, to be honest I picked the seed packet out at Home Depot.    And I planted the seeds.    But I’m still in…
Sunflower Surprises!

Sunflower Surprises!

Much to my great surprise, the sunflowers are blooming!    At the end of July!   How cool is that!    (usually the sunflowers don’t bloom until September)   I have always thought that each sunflower has just one single flower, which…
Top 10 ways to enjoy Zucchini!

Top 10 ways to enjoy Zucchini!

Last year’s garden was a dismal failure.    No zucchini last year.   The year before that  …  well, you can see for yourself.    This was about as good as it got.    Which was not that great. This year, the…
Blessings in the Garden

Blessings in the Garden

I don’t know how this little ladybug found my beans  …  but I’m so thankful it did!    A couple years back (when the aphids were having a heyday with the beans!), I noticed ladybugs for sale at the…
A tiny taste of what Heaven will be like!

A tiny taste of what Heaven will be like!

One of the very best parts of Summer is going raspberry picking!   Raspberries are my above all favorite fruit!    But they are always so expensive in the store that hubby and I never buy them.    If for some…
Blessings along the hike

Blessings along the hike

God’s good blessings to all of us are sprinkled throughout our everyday normal lives.    Last Saturday, our hike up to Lake Twenty-Two was no exception.    Here are a few of God’s good blessings to us along the hike!   …
Surprise Blessings … at the end of May!

Surprise Blessings … at the end of May!

"Surprise blessings" don't always have to be in the dirt. Sometimes God gives us a "surprise blessing" when we're shopping! Haha! Here you can see the "surprise blessing" God gave me last weekend! I was actually shopping for…
Blessings in the dirt – Bug photobombs

Blessings in the dirt – Bug photobombs

Last week I was taking photos of wildflowers for the blog when, as I was getting ready to use them for verse-art posts, I realized that bugs had been photobombing my flower photos!   So … for today’s post,…
Blessings in the dirt – 2.0

Blessings in the dirt – 2.0

I went on my morning walk of loops around my front drive this morning ...  and look what I came across!  …  mushrooms!    Yes, I know  …  I’ve already shared a photo of mushrooms like these before.    But…
Blessings in the dirt  –  Motherhood

Blessings in the dirt – Motherhood

I headed across the gravel path on my morning walk.   Suddenly my attention was caught by teeny-tiny flowering “weeds” which had just recently sprung up all along the bark-chip flowerbed.    You can see them here.    Just a mass…