Blessings in the dirt – 2.0

Blessings in the dirt – 2.0

I went on my morning walk of loops around my front drive this morning ...  and look what I came across!  …  mushrooms!    Yes, I know  …  I’ve already shared a photo of mushrooms like these before.    But…
Blessings in the dirt  –  Motherhood

Blessings in the dirt – Motherhood

I headed across the gravel path on my morning walk.   Suddenly my attention was caught by teeny-tiny flowering “weeds” which had just recently sprung up all along the bark-chip flowerbed.    You can see them here.    Just a mass…
“Surprise Blessing”  Update

“Surprise Blessing” Update

Yesterday, I mentioned discovering the Mushroom Breakfast Buffet as I went out to spread bark chips in the front flowerbed.  I thought you might enjoy an update on the different “Surprise Blessings” from the past couple of weeks. …
Surprise Blessings – 4.0

Surprise Blessings – 4.0

I walked out of my front door last night, and started to head over to the workshop  …  when there, sitting silent and still on the gravel drive, was a bunny!    Isn’t it’s camouflage amazing!    It totally blends…
Surprise Blessings – 3.0

Surprise Blessings – 3.0

Ta-Da!!   The trillium bloom has opened up!  Isn’t it beautiful!  To be honest, this really wasn’t an “Easter-egg” surprise blessing … I’ve been watching the bloom for a couple of days, waiting to see if the deer would…
Gratitude Contrast

Gratitude Contrast

Hubby and I have just recently finished watching a very interesting documentary in which two friends left from the top of Scotland and rode their motorcycles all the way down through Africa to the very bottom, to Cape…


Yesterday I headed outside to do some work in the forest.   As I toted the wheelbarrow across the yard, lo and behold, I came across some mushrooms I had never seen before!    Aren’t they cool!  I set about…