God sees what we don’t see; and helps us plan.

God sees what we don’t see; and helps us plan.

Prior to having a wood-burning fireplace heater installed, our home was heated solely using propane-gas.  We have a large propane-gas storage tank out near the woodshed.  Whenever our tank would get down to 20%, we would call the…
Atmospheric River

Atmospheric River

We are currently having an Atmospheric River move through our area and dump tons of rain!  "What is an Atmospheric River?”  you ask.  According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:   “Atmospheric Rivers are relatively long, narrow regions…
A feast for the beasts

A feast for the beasts

It is a brand-new year … 2023.  As we gaze out into the future of this new year, we wonder what 2023 will hold.  We think back to the things that defined our 2022.  Some good … some,…
New day … new week … new year!

New day … new week … new year!

It's a brand-new day ... of a brand-new week ... of a brand-new year! A favorite quote which I love (though I don't know the author) is: "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been…
Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

A New Year calls  …  are you listening?  In the sun, the snow is glistening.  A beautiful sight … all kinds of tracks left and right!  Walking in a winter wonderland!  Can you guess who has been “walking…
12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my two kids gave to me …  A plate of charcuterie!  On the second day of Christmas my two kids gave to me …  2 chocolate truffles  And a plate of charcuterie! …
Christmas ships … bringing Peace

Christmas ships … bringing Peace

One of the great joys of Christmas is … Christmas ships!  This past weekend hubby and I crossed the dark waters of Lake Washington, heading into downtown Seattle for a Christmas concert.  There … glimmering on the water…