Move Blessings

Move Blessings

Hubby and I assisted in a move this past Saturday. Let's face it, moving is never fun. It's disorienting in every way to have your life uprooted, packed up in boxes, loaded onto a moving truck and into…
Sunday Surprise Blessing

Sunday Surprise Blessing

Sunday afternoon hubby and I needed to run out real quick to drop a letter off at the Post Office, then stop by Costco for gas. We had just finished our stop at the Post Office and were…
Forget me not!

Forget me not!

Last night hubby and I went to a Michael W. Smith concert.   It was epic!   The first half of the concert was oldies from his younger days  …  “Go West Young Man,”  “Secret Ambition,”  etc. …    The second…
Thank you God for colors!

Thank you God for colors!

I woke up this morning, and came through the house to the kitchen to fix breakfast. Outside my windows the whole world was an intense, vibrant green! A green so intense it almost made my eyes hurt. The…
Get-well flower song!

Get-well flower song!

Sickness continued to hold my home in its vice-like grip!   A second bouquet of bright cheery get-well flowers arrived.   And just like happened with the first get-well flower arrangement, the sickness was so all-consuming that the thought never…
Droopy … but still singing!

Droopy … but still singing!

The entrance into the new year of 2024 brought with it sickness which took hold of my home with vengeance!    2024 has been a dumpster-fire of a year so far!    Not just for us, but for everyone whom…
Pondering penguins … and the purpose of life.

Pondering penguins … and the purpose of life.

Over Christmas break, hubby and I watched a fascinating documentary about the first Triathlete ever to complete an Iron Man challenge in Antarctica!    The title of the documentary is:  Project Iceman (you can watch it here if you would…
Ringing in the New Year!

Ringing in the New Year!

For Christmas my son gave me the coolest gift  …  a small device called a PlantWave, by which I can listen to my plants “sing.”   I’m not scientific, but as best as I understand it, all plants have…
Unseen protection!

Unseen protection!

It was Christmas Day  …  hubby, our daughter, and I were on a road trip to visit family for Christmas.   It was raining … heavy raining!    The road mist and spray were so bad that the sight distance…
Christmas Blessings!

Christmas Blessings!

Christmas Eve morning  …  the darkness of early morning began to give way to light, as the sky to the east slowly grew with the brilliance of crimson/orange/purple.    I stood at the kitchen sink, gazing out the kitchen…