Waiting … for a way to Paradise

Waiting … for a way to Paradise

We all long for Paradise. God created us to live forever in a beautiful paradise, in perfect loving relationship with Him!  This is what we were made for.  But alas, we stand outside the gate … with no…
Jesus in Malachi

Jesus in Malachi

Over the past 43 days we have been pondering the question:  What is the gateway to Heaven?  How can I get to Paradise? This question has led us on a journey through each book of the Old Testament.…
Jesus in Zechariah

Jesus in Zechariah

The road beyond the gate is long … so long.  “Home” waits at the end of the road – beautiful and peaceful.  But the road is so long! It had already been a long wearisome journey just to…
Jesus in Haggai

Jesus in Haggai

Our background photo today shows a road which, at some point in the past, was almost completed.  Only a little bit more was left.  But the surrounding neighbors did not want the road to be completed.  The surrounding…
Jesus in Zephaniah

Jesus in Zephaniah

Our background photo today features a gate, whereupon passing through, one encounters rows upon rows of lounge chairs … all lined up for people to relax and enjoy life.   Sunshine and palm trees.  Gentle breezes and not a…
Jesus in Habakkuk

Jesus in Habakkuk

Have you ever found yourself trying to exit a parking lot, but when you reach the gate … it won’t go up.  For some reason the gate won’t go up.  So, there you sit … stuck … and…
Jesus in Nahum

Jesus in Nahum

The gate in our background photo today speaks a very clear, very direct message:  If you keep proceeding down this road, it will cost! The Assyrian people, living in the capital city of Nineveh, had been traveling for…
Jesus in Micah

Jesus in Micah

Our background gate today is located in a courtroom.  If you look closely at the banister in the foreground you will notice two distinct breaks in the banister where a gateway opens so that witnesses may pass through…
Jesus in Jonah

Jesus in Jonah

God loves all people!  God wants all people of the earth to repent and turn to Him! *   The prophet Isaiah delivered many messages from God to the surrounding nations warning them to repent!  *   The prophets Jeremiah…
Jesus in Obadiah

Jesus in Obadiah

Our background gate today leads upward, to the “heights” (so to speak), to lovely living accommodations.  The gate could almost look like a copper gate (if we were to use our imagination). The ancient nation of Edom was…