Jesus in Hebrews

Jesus in Hebrews

Our background gate today is weary.  It is weathered and worn down. So also the book of Hebrews was written to people who were weary.  They were being persecuted for their faith in Jesus.  They were worn out.…
Jesus in Philemon

Jesus in Philemon

Our gate today is a very warm welcoming gate.  It looks like we are coming home. As humans we are well-aware that we make mistakes.  We fail.  We mess up. Yet God offers us grace and forgiveness. Because…
Jesus in Titus

Jesus in Titus

What does it mean to be a Christian??   What does it look like to live the Christian life?? The book of Titus offers the answer. The island of Crete is located in the Mediterranean Sea, below Greece and…
Jesus in 2 Timothy

Jesus in 2 Timothy

Our gate today is a lonely gate … near the bottom of a steep hill.  It is a chained gate. In the book of 2 Timothy, we see that the Apostle Paul is lonely.  Everyone has deserted him.…
Jesus in 1 Timothy

Jesus in 1 Timothy

Throughout the Bible, the people of God are often referred to as “sheep.” -  Isaiah 53:6 – “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way.” -  Matthew 9:36 – “When…
Jesus in 2 Thessalonians

Jesus in 2 Thessalonians

Our background photo today follows the same theme as yesterday.  Once again, our gateway leads to a National Park.  And as is obvious, everyone cannot freely enter into the Park.  A fee must be paid to enter. Neither…
Jesus in 1 Thessalonians

Jesus in 1 Thessalonians

Our gateway today is the entrance to Glacier National Park.  As is obvious, everyone cannot freely enter into the Park.  A fee must be paid to enter.  Imagine for a moment that someone graciously paid the fee for…
Jesus in Colossians

Jesus in Colossians

What does it mean to be a Christian? What does the Christian life look like?? The people of the city of Colossae (in the area of southwest modern-day Turkey) had heard the Good News about Jesus Christ!  They…
Jesus in Philippians

Jesus in Philippians

Today’s gateway is the boarding gate at an airport.  We are boarding the plane of Salvation, through the boarding gate of Jesus Christ.  We’re headed for the Kingdom of Heaven!   As we settle into our seat, we notice…
Jesus in Ephesians

Jesus in Ephesians

Our gateway today leads to the United States Mint.  Abundant riches can be found beyond this gate. So also, when we open the book of Ephesians, we see that God’s abundant riches are freely available to us, through…