College is a journey … via cardboard canoe

College is a journey … via cardboard canoe

In my son’s college freshman engineering class he was given the assignment of building a cardboard canoe, using only a limited allotment of pvc pipe, cardboard, and packing tape.  He was required to work as a team with…
College is a journey … via ferry

College is a journey … via ferry

Around the clock, day and night, the ferries run.  Load after load of vehicles and passengers.  Trip after trip after trip … back and forth across the waters of the Puget Sound.   Reliable.  Dependable.  Consistent.  Arriving on time…
College is a journey … via snowplow

College is a journey … via snowplow

As you travel along life’s journey you will go through seasons when wintery storms of doubt, confusion, and chaos create white-out conditions, bringing all forward progress to a halt.   Stormy winds blow in fury, creating snowdrifts which blanket…
College is a journey … via train

College is a journey … via train

At Pennsylvania Station in New York City the trains arrive and depart at an underground level.  Due to safety concerns, passengers are not allowed to hang out on the train platform, but rather must wait upstairs in a…
College is a journey … via airplane

College is a journey … via airplane

When it comes to air travel the motto is: hurry and wait!  Hurry and get to the airport! Wait in long lines to get through security.  Wait to board the plane.  Wait some more because of delayed flights. …
College is a journey … via subway

College is a journey … via subway

Along your college journey, and along life’s journey, you will find yourself navigating busy, congested “traffic.”  You will feel lost in the confusion and chaos of the "traffic."  How do you know where to go??   How do you…
College is a journey … via kayak

College is a journey … via kayak

Your college journey is preparing you and conditioning you for the greatest journey of all … the journey of life!  The journey of life will take you down some of the most dangerous and swiftest currents of human…
College is a journey … via rickshaw

College is a journey … via rickshaw

Along your college journey you will often feel like you’re traveling via rickshaw – you, as the thin little driver, transporting a huge cargo that is many times your size and weight!   Heavy course load!  Heavy classes!  Heavy…
College is a journey … via tuk-tuk

College is a journey … via tuk-tuk

Life happens.  Things break.    That’s the way it is with tuk-tuks.   Tuk-tuks are forever breaking down … often in the most inopportune places.   In your college journey you will discover that along the way you will have a…