Can anyone even see the light at all??

Can anyone even see the light at all??

Perched on a lonely outcropping of rock   …  shrouded in fog   …  a biting wind relentlessly blowing in from off the Pacific  …  a cold rain pelting down! 

Is the light from the lighthouse even visible?  Can anyone even see the light at all??

YES!!   YES, the light is there!  Can you see it?? … there in the center of today’s background photo?  The light is shining out!

It’s pointing the way to safety!  It’s a beacon of hope!

Storm-tossed waves batter 
with force!!
Fog has rolled in;  
there’s no clear course!

Fear and confusion 
are everywhere!  
Those lost at sea 
are filled with despair!

But look!  There’s a light! ... 
in the fog it shines out!  
It’s a beacon of HOPE!  
It dispels fear and doubt.

It’s pointing to safety … 
as angry winds blow!
But the light on the hill 
will never even know.

~  ~  ~  ~

The light shines out!  
Does anybody see??
The fog and the rain 
are so overwhelming! 

Is anybody out there??  
Does it matter at all?
It feels so lonely … 
this lighthouse standing tall.

YES!!  Yes!  
The beacon shines bright!!
It’s beam is piercing 
through the darkness of night!

It is bringing HOPE;  
it’s dispelling despair … 
in a world where hope 
can’t be found anywhere.

So shine out!  Shine out!  
No matter your place!
Shine out!  Shine out, 
God’s LOVE and His grace!

God’s LOVE is the beacon 
that pierces through the night!  
It’s making a difference!  
Let LOVE shine bright!

  • LOVE always trusts!  …  trusts that God is using the LIGHT / LOVE … no matter how dark the night; no matter how fierce the storm.
  • LOVE always hopes!  … LOVE never gives up on those lost in the storm.
  • LOVE never fails!  LOVE keeps shining!  … no matter the wind that batters;  no matter the rain that beats down;  no matter the thickness of fog;  no matter the wild, angry storm.  LOVE never fails!