

I went outside this morning to get some exercise walking loops around my front drive. 

On my first loop around I noticed a little slug on the gravel drive.   You can see it below, in the photo on the left.   Isn’t it incredible how it blends in?!    I didn’t want to accidentally step on it, so I began looking for it each time I came around for another loop. 

But the thing is, the slug was so well camouflaged that I had a really hard time spotting it each time I walked by.   Several times I came very close to stepping on it.   A number of times I walked right past it and never did see it … even though I was specifically looking for it.   I was fascinated by how well the slug blended in to the gravel. 

Then I noticed a banana slug over on another part of the path I was walking.   You can see the little banana slug in the photo above on the right.   Isn’t it amazing how well camouflaged it is! 

The one that intrigued me the most was this little two-toned, speckled slug right here.   When I first noticed it, it was directly in the middle of the road where I was walking.  (the photo on the left)     If I had not been paying attention I for sure would have stepped on it.  

Another time as I came around for a loop this little slug had cured itself up into a little ball, and it looked just like a small rock in the road!    It eventually made its way over to the side.    You can see it off to the side in the photo on the right.   Isn’t it amazing how it blends in?! 

As I was walking, I was listening to the Daily Audio Bible.   The passage which was being read was: 

Proverbs 14:9  –  “The wicked will be destroyed.” 

and also … 

Psalm 102:25-26  –  “Long ago You laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with Your hands.  They will perish, but You remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing.  You will change them like a garment and discard them.” 

Our world is a very dark place.   These times we are living in are very dark and troubled times!   It seems as if the wicked are winning.  

And yet … I do not need to be afraid.   

I do not need to be fearful … because my God is greater and stronger than the wicked!   God is going to judge and destroy the wicked!    I do not need to be afraid. 

God is going to bring to an end this current world we are living in, overrun with the demonic and with wickedness of every sort.   God is going to burn it up (along with the wicked!)  …  and God is going to provide, for those who love Him, a brand-new perfect world, with no sin at all! 

I do not need to be afraid.    God will protect those who love Him!    If God cares so much for little slugs (one of the lowliest creatures)  … if God has provided such amazing camouflage to protect them  …  then for sure God will protect and care for those who love Him! 

But we can’t be stupid.    Also for today’s Bible reading was Proverbs 14:15 – “A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.”    

God will protect us … just like God has provided camouflage protection for the little slugs  …  but we can’t be like the slugs which chose to crawl right out into the middle of harm’s way in the middle of the road!    God has provided camouflage protection for the slug, but if the little slug chooses to hang out in the middle of the road it will sooner or later be squashed by a car … or stepped on!   

In the same way, God will protect those who love Him!    But we can’t be stupid.    If we, like the little slugs, choose to put ourselves in places  (mental places, emotional places, spiritual places)  which are harmful, we will sooner or later be squashed! 

God will protect us!   But we can’t be foolish!