Called by name …

Called by name …

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.” – Isaiah 43:1

Have you ever wondered how many other people in this world have the same name as you?

This thought struck me yesterday afternoon, and off the top of my head I could think of 3 other ladies who have my same name. My name is a distinctly 1970’s name … and everyone I know with my same name is somewhat about the same age as me.

What surprised me as I thought about those 3 other ladies who have the same name as me … is that they all are positive, cheerful, encouraging-type personalities. That’s the same personality as me! I found that intriguing!

If it was somehow possible to get everyone in the whole world together in one room who has my same name … would we all basically have the same personality type?? Would, for the most part, everyone who shares my name basically be positive, cheerful, encouraging-types??

What about you? What is your personality like? How many other people can you think of off the top of your head who share your same name? And if it were somehow possible to get everyone in the whole world together in one room who has your same name … would you all basically have the same personality type??

It’s a fascinating thing to think about.

I then pondered how throughout history and over the years people have shared the same name. If you read through the New Testament, there are many different people who share the same name. Did those people, who shared the same name, happen to have similar personality characteristics??

Then I couldn’t help but wonder: When we all get to heaven, will there be big “groupings” of us who are all very similar in personality … who all had the same name on earth?? And here we all are in heaven, with the same name. Because we’ll know for sure in heaven. In heaven everything will be perfect, so we’ll totally know who shares our same name and what they are like.

Then the thought occurred to me … even if there are lots of other people in heaven with my same name, and even if everyone else who shares my same name all basically have the same positive, cheerful personality-type as me … I am still individually, uniquely known and loved by my God!

And when I get to heaven, my God is going to give me my very own individual, unique name known only to me and Him! How cool is that!

God is going to give me my very own special name!

“To him who overcomes, I will give … a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.” – Revelation 2:17

I went back in the photos and specifically chose this beach photo from 2021. (gives you a good idea of “summer at the beach” in the PNW … haha!) I loved this photo because it is a good close-up of the sand. Humanity is like all the many grains of sand on this beach! Lots and lots of people!

Yet every one of us … each one of us as a grain of sand … is individually and uniquely known and loved by God, our creator.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

“This is what the LORD says – he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid.” – Isaiah 44:2

“O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. … For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. … All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” – Psalm 139:1, 13, 16

We each have been called by name! By our loving creator God!

Our earthly name which our parents gave us … our name matters! My name is important! Your name is important! Even before we were born, our loving God was calling us by name!

And if you believe in Jesus Christ and go to heaven to be with him forever, God will not only call you by your earthly name … but God will give you your very own individual, unique name just for you! Known only by you and Him!

You are called by name!