Called by name!

Called by name!

Our dear friends in Alaska had their baby this week!    My friend sent me a photo last night.    I am so excited for them!    A brand-new little life is an amazing miracle!  

As I gazed at the photo of their precious little newborn, the verse popped into my mind:   I have called you by name.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;  I have called you by name; you are mine.”  – Isaiah 43:1  

At the same moment this verse also popped into my mind:  

“Before I was born the LORD called me;  from my birth He has made mention of my name.”  – Isaiah 49:1 

Our dear friends in Alaska absolutely adore their precious little newborn!    As I have been rejoicing with them, I have been overwhelmed by the thought that this is the same way God feels about me!    God loves me the same!  

Isaiah 43:4-5 continues:  “You are precious and honored in my sight  …  I love you  …  Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”  

Our friends have intentionally chosen a name for their little newborn which has meaning and has been specially selected.    This little newborn’s name is special!    In the same way, my name is special.    God has called me by my name!    Before I was born, God called me by name!  

Wow!    That is an incredible thought!  

God cares about you the same way too!  

Before you were born, God called you by name!  

God loves you!    God adores you!    And even now  …  right now, God is calling you by name!    God sees you as precious!    And God is telling you:  Do not be afraid, for I am with you.