

I had the best time watching the bees on the sunflowers yesterday morning!

There were lots of bees! And they were all busy!!

The saying popped into my head: “Busy as a bee.”

I had never really thought much about it before, but watching the bees on the sunflowers, that saying totally made sense! Bees are busy!!

I loved watching this little guy here. He is totally and completely covered in pollen! His little legs are covered in pollen! His head is covered in pollen! His entire underbody is covered in pollen!

But he wasn’t about to head back to the hive yet! He was going to get as much as he possibly could!! He reminded me a lot of myself when it comes to berry picking. Standing there in the middle of the berry patch … surrounded by ripe berries everywhere! … there’s just so much goodness at hand! I must get as much as I can possibly load up with!

He also reminds me of myself trying to get groceries from the car into the house. I’ve got to make my trip count! There cannot be a second journey! I must carry them all in one trip! That’s this little guy here!

As I watched the bees on the sunflowers, I thought about the question I had posed on the blog two days ago: “If Jesus suddenly returned right now, and caught me unaware, would I be embarrassed?”

The silly example I gave two days ago responded with the answer of: “No, not at all.”

But as I stood there watching the bees on the sunflowers, I thought: “If Jesus were to suddenly return and catch me not being busy doing what He has called me to do … then for sure I would totally be embarrassed!

If I was just sitting around enjoying my life, living for myself, and doing nothing for God’s Kingdom … then I would be very, very ashamed!”

I want to be busy!! Busy like a bee! I want to be busy doing what God has called me to do!

These little bees weren’t working hard to impress me. They were working hard because they were made to work hard. I want to be like that!

“Therefore, my dear brothers/sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
– 1 Corinthians 15:58