Bunnies & a bobcat … Blessings in the “Blah”

Bunnies & a bobcat … Blessings in the “Blah”

It is 40 degrees this morning … still … here as May is approaching its end. 

Little basil sprouts do not like 40 degrees.  I had moved them outside to big pots on the deck at the beginning of May, in anticipation of warming weather and sunnier days!

But alas, the endless cold and relentless rain did them in.  And so … here I am starting over … again.  New basil seeds have been re-planted.

This week I discovered a tulip bulb which had rotted away from the excessive sogginess.   I find myself worrying the dahlias will suffer the same fate. 

Do you ever find yourself in the “Blah’s”? 

Mingled with the rain yesterday, it hailed.  I was surprised to find myself being thankful … thankful that there were no blooms on the blueberry bushes, or else they all would have been knocked off.  (been there before!)   A strange thing to be thankful for … but a “Blessing in the Blah” nonetheless. 

Last night as I was fixing dinner a little bunny sat for an extended time in the grass outside the kitchen window, munching on its own salad dinner.  Once again, I found myself being thankful … the cold weather has taken such a heavy toll on all the little tomato plants there’s no reason to worry about the bunnies getting into the garden and eating them.  Instead of being mad at the bunny I was free to marvel. 

It does something for the soul to marvel at God’s creation! 

A second bunny joined the first. 
Blessings in the Blah. 

Later, as I was sitting on the couch, I noticed a bobcat cross the backyard.  I’ve never seen a bobcat live before.  I was in awe!  

It was the same size as a coyote … but much beefier!  Its coloring was completely different.  Its gate was completely different.  It gracefully balance-walked across a large log lying along the edge of the ravine … just as a typical house cat would walk along a fence.  Then it disappeared into the forest. 

I was in awe!
Blessing in the Blah. 

Perhaps you might be looking at the photo and wondering:  Where is the bobcat? 

It’s gone.  Blessings are often like that.  They appear in an instant … and then they are gone. 

If we aren’t aware … we’ll miss them completely. 
Especially when it comes to Blessings in the Blah.