Building a life … whether single or married

Building a life … whether single or married

Hubby and I are embarking on a new endeavor.  We are going to build-out a room in the workshop. 

The winter rains have arrived, and it is now dark and cold and rainy … all the time.  No longer can hubby and I go out and do yardwork in the evenings after dinner.  We can’t even take a walk together in the evenings due to the potential presence of cougar or bobcat lurking in the dark shadows. 

Therefore, the thought to build-out some extra space in the workshop … with hopefully a treadmill to be able to get some exercise this cold dark winter. 

Thus far the workshop has been the domain of the mice … they basically have free reign of the place.  It is not uncommon at all for hubby and me to be hanging out chatting in the workshop and a mouse to scurry and scamper to and fro across the way.  

In today’s background photo you can see the area which hubby and I are planning on building-out. 

When it comes to life, God has called each of us to “build a life” for Him … in order to accomplish the good things which He has prepared in advance for us to do.  (Ephesians 2:10) 

The prevailing notion is that in order to “build a life” we need someone else.  We need to be married in order to “build a life together.”   But this simply is not true.  God calls everyone to “build a life” … no matter if single or married.  The only difference is the purpose for which the space will be used. 

For example … let’s say that hubby was going to build-out the space in the workshop for his single use.  He might design the space to be a cross-fit workout center … complete with all sorts of cross-fit training gear. 

Conversely, perhaps I might want to build-out the space for my single use.  I might design the space to be my own ceramics studio.  I might want a kiln in the space, along with a pottery wheel for throwing clay and making ceramic pieces.  In this case, the space would be built out completely different! 

If you are single, it does not mean that you have to sit around and wait for someone else in order to “build a life.”  It simply means God is calling you to “build your life” according to the plans He has for you!  You have complete autonomy to build-out the space however you would like.  Whatever dreams and desires God has given you … whatever passions He has put on your heart … you can “build-out” your life however God leads you! 

If you are married, it simply means God is calling you to “build your life” in conjunction with someone else.  You do not have complete autonomy to build-out the space however you would like.  You have to work together … to build-out the space in such a way that both of you are able to do what God has called you to do … together. 

Building-out a shared space is a lot different than building-out a space for independent use. 

When building-out a shared space, you have to take into consideration what the other person would like.  Perhaps they would like to do something with the “space of life” which might not necessarily interest you.  Likewise, you might like to do something with the “space of life” which might not necessarily interest your spouse. 

You have to work together when it comes to “building-out life.”  It can’t be all one way … and it can’t be all the other way.  It has to be “built-out” so that together, as one couple, you can accomplish the good works which God has prepared in advance for you, as a couple, to do.  (Ephesians 2:10) 

Neither being single nor married is better than the other.  In both instances God has called us to “build a life.” 

If single, you have complete freedom and autonomy to “build-out the space” however you would like.  If married, you have to figure out how to “build-out the space” so that it works for both parties.  But either way, God has called us to “build a life” … for the purpose of doing the good works which He has prepared in advance for us to do! 

How has God called you to “build-out” the space of your life?