Building a life … what about the “what if’s”?

Building a life … what about the “what if’s”?

Perhaps you might be single and asking the question:  “Should I get married??” 

The first thing to consider is … God has called us each to “build a life”,  regardless of whether or not we are single or married.   

Just as hubby and I are building-out some space in our workshop for an intended purpose,  so also God has an intended purpose for each person’s life.  God has good works which He has prepared in advance for each one of us to do.  (Ephesians 2:10) 

How has God called you to “build-out” the space of your life? 

What is the purpose to which God has called you

Perhaps you might be thinking:  “I don’t know.  I honestly don’t know how God has called me to ‘build-out’ the space of my life … because I always assumed I would be married.  I honestly don’t know what God’s purpose for me is apart from marriage.’” 

Hubby and I have been wondering what God would have us do with the workshop space for several years now.  There are many “what if’s” which we have considered. 

So also, it is the same when it comes to being single.  There are many “what if” possibilities for how to “build-out” the space of one’s life.  However, many singles feel like they can’t start on the “build-out” process until they have found “that special someone” to do life together with.  After all, what if they start to “build-out” the space of their life … and it’s not the way it should be when that special someone finally comes along?? 

The fact remains … God has called each of us to “build-out” the space of our life for Him … for the purpose of doing the good works which He has prepared in advance for us to do! 

If God has not brought along “that special someone” … then get busy on the “build-out” anyway!  It’s part of God’s plan.    To sit endlessly, doing nothing, worrying about the “what if’s” is to waste the opportunity of life which God has given you. 

If you go ahead and proceed with the “build-out” process for your life this does not automatically mean you are letting go of all possibility of marriage. 

God is more than able to bring along a special someone who shares your vision for how to “build-out” life.  God is more than able to bring along a special someone who has also been called by God to the same purpose and the same type of good works for which your “life build-out” is intended.  (Ephesians 2:10) 

Don’t let the fears over the “what if” possibilities keep you from getting started “building-out” what God has called you to do.  God has a good plan for you!  God has a purpose for your life! 

Whether single or married, God wants you to “build-out” your life for Him … in order to accomplish the good works which He has prepared in advance for you to do!