Bug Blessings

Bug Blessings

My daughter was working on a project where she was creating a fun game/activity for small children:  “Place the wings on the mosquito!”  (similar to “Pin the tail on the donkey”)  

Here you can see the adorable mosquito she printed off for “Place the wings on the mosquito!”  

My daughter invited everyone to submit names for the mosquito, and a vote would be taken to choose the winning name.  

Right away I submitted my suggestion:  “MO …  the MO-squito.”    
I thought it was quite clever!  

Someone else submitted:  “Buzz-All-Din.”   I thought that was also quite clever! 

Other submissions included:  “Mozzie”  and “Lord of the Wings.”  

In the end, “Lord of the Wings” was selected as the winning name.  

In the midst of all this  …  one morning, as hubby stepped out the front door to head to work, there just so happened to be the biggest mosquito ever right there on the front porch railing!  

I had to take a photo to send to my daughter!   “Check out this ginormous mosquito!!”  

She texted back:  “Nice.   But that’s a crane fly.  Not a mosquito.”  

Really??   Was she true??  

I used my Seek Nature App to double check.  

Sure enough  …  it was a Common Crane Fly.  

I texted my daughter:  “How did you know that??”  

To which she replied:  “You and Dad taught me that when I was little.”  

I then pondered to myself:   For real!?   Was I really that smart at one point?  (Haha!)  

Thank you God for Bug Blessings!  

Back in March we happened to have a rare sunny day.    It is so rare to have a sunny day that when such a thing happens it becomes of utmost importance to place oneself in said sunshine!    Therefore, I had put-on-pause everything I was doing that day and had headed outside to soak in the glorious sunshine. 

The cedars had been dropping little seed cones all over the back deck, making rather a mess of things. 

So I stepped inside to get the broom.     When I returned a moment later, this bug was right in the very spot where I had been sitting.  

What a cool-looking bug!    Check out the designs on its back!    This little bug looks just like a piece of Native American pottery!  

Come to think of it  …  perhaps the Native American pottery designs were inspired by bugs such as this!  

What a fun thought!  

I pulled out my Seek Nature App to discover exactly what kind of bug this was.   My phone informed me that this is a Western Conifer Seed Bug.    Cool!   That’s interesting!  

But the seeds for the conifer trees are way up high in the trees.   If it’s a Western Conifer Seed Bug then how on earth is it able to reach the conifer seeds?  

Duh  …  my back deck is covered with cedar seeds!  

I poked and played with the little bug, until it tired of me  …  and flew away.   Oh wow!   It can fly!   That’s how it reaches the conifer seeds high up in the trees!  

Thank you God for Bug Blessings!  

Last week I was studying the blooms of the Spurge plant in my front flowerbed.   Aren’t the blooms fascinating?  

Right as I was pondering what fascinating blooms these were, up flew this little bumblebee  …  doing what God had made it to do.  

Thank you God for Bug Blessings!  

“Praise the LORD from the earth …  wild animals and all cattle, small creatures [aka:  mosquitoes, and crane flies, and Western Conifer Seed bugs, and bumblebees]  …  Praise the LORD.”   – Psalm 148:7, 10, 14