Bloom Where You’re Planted

Bloom Where You’re Planted

In a big picture window,
in a bright sunny spot,
sat a lovely silk flower
in an ornamental pot.

The view was quite outstanding
from this sunny windowsill
where the silk flower sat,
believing it was Real.

This little silk flower
was indeed very vain.
It admired its reflection
in the glassy windowpane.

“My bright silken petals
surely make me supreme
to all the other plants
which are just ordinary green.”

A dried flower arrangement
in the windowsill nearby,
was quick to respond
with an indignant reply.

“MY blossoms are truly Real;
I’m vibrant and I’m bold.
I’m a plant which will endure
as the seasons come and go.”

A quarrel then ensued
concerning which one was the best.
Each believed itself to be
superior to all the rest.

Bitter conflict rose between them;
neither one would compromise.
Their only commonality
was that the other plants they each despised.

Animosity prevailed as months passed by;
soon it was Spring.
From the big picture window
many changes could be seen.

Gentle sunshine rays were coaxing
each small flower here and there,
to bloom where they were planted,
with extraordinary flair.

Tulips, Daffodils, and Crocuses
emerged from their beds,
encouraged by the sunshine
to raise their cheerful heads.

Tiny buds on barren branches
swelled and opened gracefully,
to reveal delicate blossoms
waving gently in the breeze.

The Lily-of-the-Valley
spread to form a carpet of green;
adorned with bell-shaped flowers,
which merrily did ring.

While the Rose of Sharon hedge,
growing stately, strong, and tall,
offered a stunning show
of beautiful roses beckoning to all.

The two bickering companions
in the window, side-by-side,
surveyed all that was occurring
and began to criticize.

“Those silly plants must not realize
their beauty will be lost.
Summer’s heat is sure to wilt them,
or they’ll die when comes the frost.”

Day by day the scorn continued
from the proud and pompous two.
They continually found fault
from their high and lofty view.

While outside the other plants
grew together in harmony;
blooming where they were planted,
just as they were meant to be.

Now, roots that go deep down
make a flower truly Real.
Each unique plant has been created
to do the Master’s will.

Differences exist,
for a very special reason:
to make the world a brighter place
through the changing of the seasons.

Autumn’s chill came, bringing with it
a time of quiet rest.
Two small flowers in the window
still argued over which one was the best.

If only they could be accepting,
they might see
that they’d be happy “Blooming where they were planted” –
just as they were meant to be.

By:  Amy Hayes