Bloom blessings … high in the air!

Bloom blessings … high in the air!

Check it out!    A red sunflower!    How cool is that!!  

I didn’t know sunflowers bloomed red!  

Ok, to be honest I picked the seed packet out at Home Depot.    And I planted the seeds.    But I’m still in awe that sunflowers can bloom red!   

Thank you God for red sunflowers!!   

The sunflower seeds I planted were so tiny!    I’m in awe that such a tiny little seed could produce a strong sturdy stalk, reaching 8 feet into the air, and able to support multiple gorgeous (heavy!) blooms on the top.    Incredible!  

We never know the potential of what God has put in someone.    Someone might look like a tiny little seed  …  not much there.    But when that someone is “planted” in the right place  …  and given the opportunity to “grow” in the right conditions, it’s absolutely amazing what God brings out of their life! 

This is true for our children.    This is true for all children!    This is true for our own life as well.  

God has put great potential in each of us  …  greatness hidden in a tiny little seed.  

We simply need to “grow” where God has “planted” us  …  and God will bring something incredible and amazingly beautiful out of the tiny little seed of our life.  

When hubby and I planted lily bulbs in the front flowerbed two years ago, we had no idea what color of blooms they would have.    We also assumed they would grow to be about knee-high.   

Lo and behold  …  they are tall!    Really tall!    In fact, they are taller than I am!    Perhaps 6 feet or more.    I had no idea lilies could grow to be so tall!  

Admittedly, they look rather funny growing so tall in our front flowerbed  …  almost like some type of “cornstalks” growing up out of the flowerbed.  

Last year this lily in the photo did not get a chance to bloom.    Early in the Spring, as it was just coming up, a bird perched on its top and completely broke the top off.    As a result, this lily remained a short stubby stalk all last year.  

This year I was so hopeful a bird wouldn’t break it off again.    The lily grew taller and taller!    It set on blooms.    I couldn’t wait to see what color the blooms would be!  

Just last week the blooms opened!    And TaDa!!    Aren’t they beautiful!!  

I was particularly delighted with these blooms because these are just like the flowers hubby and I had in our wedding.   The bridesmaids’ bouquets were made with these blooms.   And in fact, the wedding cake was decorated with these blooms on the top. 

What an incredible gift to have such beautiful bloom-blessings growing tall in our front flower bed! 

Thank you God for beautiful bloom blessings  …  growing high in the air!   

And thank you God that even though sometimes we feel “broken off”  (like this lily was last year)  it’s not the end for us.    Thank you God for giving us second chances, so that our life can once again bloom beautifully  …  just like the lily in our front flowerbed.