Blessings on a ferry ride

Blessings on a ferry ride

Hubby and I had a dear friend come to visit recently. As we were pondering what fun things we could do together with our friend, the verse Matthew 7:12 (as well as Luke 6:31) came to mind: “Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Well … I would very much like to take a ferry ride across the Puget Sound to see the Naval Shipyard in Bremerton.

So, we decided to do with our friend what we would very much enjoy doing ourselves. Ha!
We all had a great time together!

Come along and join us for a ferry ride across the Puget Sound …

Riding the ferry is every bit as much fun as going somewhere on an airplane. No matter how many times I’ve ridden the ferry, I always get a thrill of excitement as the ferry approaches!

Our friend purchased gourmet mini cheesecakes for each of us. Wasn’t that the kindest thing ever!! Just before the ferry departed, we took a break to enjoy our cheesecakes. I got a mocha cheesecake. Thank you God for wonderful friends! Thank you God for cheesecake!

A terrific tourist/travel tip for anyone who might be interested in coming to Seattle for a visit: If you would like something really fun to do for a day, with epic views of downtown from the waterfront, then you might want to consider purchasing a ticket to walk on one of the ferries. Our walk-on ticket was only $9 (which is far cheaper than the advertised tourist cruises), and our trip over to Bremerton and back again was an hour long journey each way.

The clouds were epic, and I couldn’t help thinking of this verse in Psalm 68:4 – “Sing to God, sing praise to His name, extol Him who rides on the clouds – His name is the LORD – and rejoice before Him.”

Whenever I see the wake behind the ferry, I can’t help but think: “What kind of ‘wake‘ is my life leaving behind as I journey through life?” As I pass through the waters of life, does my life leave behind a calm wake? Or does my passing churn things up and leave turbulence in my wake?

What about you? What kind of ‘wake‘ does your life leave behind?

I never cease to be in awe of the beauty of the Puget Sound! On our crossing, we had the excitement of seeing a pod of Orcas! I wasn’t able to get a photo, but it was amazing to watch them! What an incredible blessing!

God gave us a rainbow on our return! Is that not an amazing scene! … the bright blue sky contrasted by the dark storm, at the same time.

Isn’t this what life itself is like? That cityscape represents thousands upon thousands of people … and at the exact same time, some of those people were experiencing blue sky and sunshine, while others of those people were experiencing heavy stormy downpour. And those of us on the ferry, viewing the scene from a distance, were experiencing God’s beauty and power in the whole thing!

In each of our lives we will have times/seasons when we’ll be experiencing blue skies and sunshine … while those around us might be experiencing stormy downpour! And there will also be times/seasons in each of our lives when we will experience stormy downpour! Trials that seem unbearable. And at the exact same time, there will be others who are viewing our life from a distance, and what they are seeing is God’s beauty and power in the whole thing!

Usually whenever I’ve seen a rainbow in the past, it is only there for a brief moment, then it disappears. But this rainbow stayed … and stayed … and stayed, the entire journey back into the dock. Thank you God for the blessing of a beautiful rainbow!

I was in awe by the streaks of rain to the upper right! We never did get caught in the downpour … even after we disembarked the ferry. We had a lengthy journey to get back to our car, but it was sunshine and pleasant weather the entire walk.

Thank you God for the blessing of having our dear friend come to visit us!
And thank you God for ferry blessings!