Blessings in the Garden

Blessings in the Garden

I don’t know how this little ladybug found my beans  …  but I’m so thankful it did!   

A couple years back (when the aphids were having a heyday with the beans!), I noticed ladybugs for sale at the checkout stand at Home Depot.    How cool!    I had no idea Home Depot sold ladybugs!    I was delighted!    For sure I was going to get some!    But alas, they were all sold out.  (bummer!) 

Thank you God for creating ladybugs to eat the aphids!   
And thank you God for showing the ladybugs how to find my beans! 

Hubby and I went out to the garden to spread a soaker hose around the plants.   Lo and behold! … check out the cute little frog I discovered resting on a pumpkin leaf!    Isn’t it adorable!   

I never cease to be amazed at how God designed all the little creatures with such perfect camouflage to blend in!  

Hubby and I proceeded about our business of placing the soaker hose down underneath all the pumpkin and zucchini leaves, right up next to the roots of the plants.    Even with all our rustling of the leaves, this little frog never budged or moved.    It must have really liked its pumpkin leaf!  

Thank you God for little frogs resting on pumpkin leaves!  

Snow peas!  

I will be the first to admit that I have never liked peas.    However, last summer when our neighbors were out of town for a couple of months, they invited us to water their plants on the back deck.    They told us that whatever the plants produced, we were welcome to have.    As it turned out, they had one snow pea plant (amongst the others).  

As we watered our neighbor’s snow pea, it produced a beautiful harvest of a handful of snow peas  …  which hubby and I were delighted to be able to enjoy.  

Much to my surprise, I discovered snow peas aren’t that bad at all.    In fact, they don’t even taste like real peas.    I decided then and there that next year we would attempt to grow snow peas.  

And here you have it  …  our very own snow peas!  

Thank you God for nice next-door neighbors who invited us to enjoy their snow peas last summer when they were away!    And thank you God for snow peas!  


Last year the garden was a dismal failure.    Not a single pumpkin!    So needless to say, I am beyond delighted to see several little pumpkins setting on!  

Thank you God for little baby pumpkins!  

Ok  …  so my Hoopes rose isn’t technically in the garden, but this beautiful butterfly was such a wonderful surprise blessing that I just had to include it too!    Isn’t it amazing!  

Thank you God for all the wonderful amazing creatures You have made!    Thank you God for all Your blessings to us  …  in both big and little ways!    You are amazing God!    We love you!