Blessings in the dirt: Purpose … in every season!

Blessings in the dirt:  Purpose … in every season!

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to pop into Starbucks to get a drink. 

And lo and behold, there by the front door, the “Grounds for the Garden” tub actually had a bag of used coffee grounds!  

Check that out!  

“Grounds for the Garden” are a hot commodity, and they always go fast!    So I have never actually seen any available before. 

But now  …  a big bag  …  sitting there  …  waiting just for me! 

I triumphantly claimed my prize! 

And with great delight, toted it home. 
Thank you God!! 

Last Spring hubby and I turned up ground to make a new garden area.  But the soil in this new garden area is very poor.    In an effort to add more nutrients to the soil and improve the soil quality, we added a large amount of fallen maple leaves to the garden area this past fall. 

“What exactly are the benefits of adding maples leaves to a garden area?” you ask. 

–  Maple leaves are high in carbon.  (brown material) 
–  The leaves have hummus-building qualities.  (improve soil structure) 
–  The leaves feed microbes in the ground. 
–  The leaves absorb water and reduce runoff. 
–  The leaves contain large quantities of fibrous matter. 
–  The leaves are rich in calcium and nitrogen … helping them to decompose fast. 

Over the course of this winter, I have been sprinkling the leftover wood ash from the fireplace throughout the garden area. 

“What exactly are the benefits of adding wood ash to the garden?” you ask. 

–  Wood ash contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.  As well as trace amounts of iron, aluminum, manganese, zinc, boron and other nutrients plants need. 
–  Wood ash can help neutralize soil acidity. 

And now … my latest prize of coffee grounds! 

“What exactly are the benefits of adding coffee grounds to the garden?” you ask. 

–  Coffee grounds are high in nitrogen.  (green material) 
–  Coffee grounds contain phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. 
–  Coffee grounds promote worm population in the soil. 
–  Coffee grounds help to deter slugs, snails, and ants. 

When Spring arrives, I plan to till the “rehabilitating” garden area, to incorporate into the soil all those wonderful additions. 

We might look at the maple leaves and think:  “They’ve already served their purpose … their purpose was to manufacture food for the tree during the summer.  They’ve accomplished their purpose.  There’s no more purpose left for them.” 

On the contrary!  … there is still great purpose for the maple leaves.    The maple leaves offer many wonderful benefits to the garden!    Maple leaves can still serve a great purpose in this new & different season. 

We might look at the mighty trees in our forest and think:  “That right there is their purpose … to grow tall and be a tree.”   

But then … the Hemlocks need to come down.    The trees are felled.    And we think:  “They’ve served their purpose.  They’re done.  There’s nothing purposeful left for them to do anymore.” 

On the contrary!  … there is still great purpose for the trees.  The split wood has provided warmth for my home this winter!  The wood can still serve a great purpose in this new & different season. 

But then … the wood is consumed in the blaze of the fire.    All that’s left is a pile of ashes in the firebox.  And we think:  “It’s over.  There’s certainly no more purpose left for the wood.” 

On the contrary!  … there is still great purpose for the wood ash.  The wood ash offers many wonderful benefits to the garden.    The wood ash can still serve a great purpose in this new & different season. 

We might look at the used coffee grounds and think:  “They’ve served their purpose.  Their purpose was to be brewed into a delicious, life-sustaining drink!    They’re all used up now.    There’s no more purpose for them.” 

On the contrary!  … there is still great purpose for the coffee grounds.  The coffee grounds are rich in many wonderful nutrients which the garden needs in order to be healthy.    There is still great purpose for the coffee grounds in this new & different season. 

No matter what season of life we find ourselves in … there is always great purpose!   

God has great purpose for us  …  in every season!