Blessings in the Dirt: God designed seeds to sprout!

Blessings in the Dirt:   God designed seeds to sprout!

On Monday I came across the most amazing ice crystals in the garden when I went out to spread used coffee grounds.  I was “oooo’ing” and “aahhhh’ing” and taking lots of photos, and I didn’t even notice until afterwards, but if you look closely at today’s background photo you can see a tiny little seed is sprouting.   

Can you see it?  In the very center of the photo there is a tiny little shoot of pale green emerging from its seed. 

When I first noticed it, my immediate “blink” reaction was:  God designed seeds to sprout.   Plain and simple.    Which means  …  “seeds” from our lives (from the spiritual fruit produced by the Holy Spirit in us) – God has designed those “seeds” to sprout.  Every bit as much as God has designed this little seed in the photo to sprout. 

We might look at someone with an icy cold heart  …  much like the photo today covered in ice crystals.  And we might think – “They would never believe in God.  I don’t see how they would ever give their sin and their life to Jesus.”    Ice crystals everywhere! 

But … God has designed seeds to sprout. 

The “seeds” from our life (from the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit in us)  …  those “seeds” can sprout in hearts which are every bit as icy cold, and covered over with ice crystals.    God has designed those “seeds” to sprout! 

Let the Holy Spirit produce lots and lots of fruit in your life.  Lean in to what the Holy Spirit is doing.  Listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings in your soul. 

If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to forgive … lean in to that and forgive.   

If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to repent of a sin (which the Holy Spirit is pointing out) … lean in to that … and repent.  

If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to reach out to someone to share God’s love … reach out to them … share love freely. 

If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to reconnect with someone whom you’ve lost contact … lean in to that … reach out to that person. 

If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to invite someone out to coffee to have a conversation … lean in to that … and go out to coffee. 

The Holy Spirit wants to produce lots and lots of fruit in our lives.  Because in this way we will become more and more like Jesus  …  and the Holy Spirit’s job is to make us become more and more like Jesus. 

But the Holy Spirit can only do this as we yield and submit to His direction.  If we ignore the Holy Spirit and quench/suppress His promptings in our soul  …  then our lives will be barren, with no fruit. 

Read what the Holy Spirit has written (in the Bible).   
Listen as the Holy Spirit teaches you as you read. 

Respond to what the Holy Spirit is directing you to do. 
Obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings in your soul.   

Let the Holy Spirit produce fruit in your life! 
Allow the fruit from your life to nourish others. 

Freely give the fruit from your life away! 
Scatter seeds! 

God has designed those seeds to sprout!! 

In every season!