Blessings in the dirt – Bug photobombs

Blessings in the dirt – Bug photobombs

Last week I was taking photos of wildflowers for the blog when, as I was getting ready to use them for verse-art posts, I realized that bugs had been photobombing my flower photos!  

So … for today’s post, I would like to share God’s blessings in the dirt:  Bug photobombs.  

Forget-me-not spider   

The forget-me-not flowers are in full bloom right now  …  growing all over our forest property.   My wildflower book informed me that these plants are native to Europe and are a garden escapee.  

The forget-me-not flower here in this photo was growing just underneath our back deck. I had used this very photo for a verse-art post last week.    Then I realized a spider was photobombing the photo.    So I re-did the verse-art post with a different forget-me-not flower … and I saved this photo for today’s “photobomb” blog.  

Even though I don’t like spiders  …  you have to admit, it is a pretty amazing little creature.    Especially the way it blends in!  

Thank you God for hidden little spiders on forget-me-nots.  

Bunchberry Dogwood “ant”  

The Bunchberry Dogwood groundcover has really taken a hit, with the deer constantly eating back any new growth.    But it is tenacious!    I like that about it!    It is hanging in there!    And, through its underground root system, it is multiplying and spreading … bit by bit … the way God made groundcover to spread.  

I see a lot of parallels to the Christian life in that.    Satan might continually come after us to “eat off” all our new growth for God’s Kingdom  … but just like the Bunchberry Dogwood, we can be tenacious!    We can hang in there!  …  and through our underground “root system” of being connected and strengthened in Christ, we can grow  …  and spread  … the way God has made us to do.  

I have been very excited that the Bunchberry groundcover is blooming!    This is somewhat of a miracle, considering how much of the new growth has been eaten off this Spring.   

I was down in the flowerbed taking photos of the dogwood blooms  …  when I noticed this little “ant” scurrying to and fro, here and there across this particular bloom.  

It wasn’t until I later uploaded the photos to the computer that I realized this little bug wasn’t an ant after all.    I don’t know what kind of bug it is  …  but it is cool to see it photobombing my dogwood picture.  

Thank you God for little “ant-like” bugs scurrying to and fro across dogwood blooms!  

Trillium tiny-bug  

This is the very last photo of the trillium.    The deer ate it off the next day.    Sadness.  

Once again, I had used this photo for a verse-art post last week  …  and it had even gone live on the blog for a day or so.    Then I realized that this photo also had a bug photobombing it.    I hadn’t even noticed.    But if you look at the right flower petal, close to the yellow-center stamen, there is a tiny little maroon-colored bug.    Isn’t it amazing how its coloring so closely matches that of the petal!?   Incredible!  

Thank you God for tiny little bugs, hidden in plain sight, on beautiful purple trillium!  

Forget-me-not spindly bug   

To conclude the bug photobombs, we have another forget-me-not resident.   

This forget-me-not flower was growing over near the garden corner, next to the water faucet.  

I didn’t even see this spindly bug.   My attention was focused on the beautiful brilliant-blue blooms of the forget-me-nots.    Once again, it wasn’t until after I uploaded the photo to the computer that I was amazed to discover this bug which was obviously front and center! … totally camouflaged and hidden … in plain sight!    Incredible!     

I guess I should not be surprised at so many bugs photobombing the flower photos.    After all, the flowers are the bugs’ domain.   That is their home.   

I don’t really like bugs.    But I’m amazed at God’s creativity and design!    The intricate detail, coloring, camouflage, and shape of each bug is so uniquely different.     And I would guess their individual purpose for existing is just as uniquely different as well.   

God is amazing!    All He has made reveals what a great and majestic God He is!   

Thank you God for spindly bugs, hidden in plain sight, on brilliant-blue forget-me-nots!   

Thank you God for blessings in the dirt!